The Rotary Club of Florence meets every Tuesday at noon at the Florence Events Center (FEC) located at 715 Quince Street. Lunch starts at 11:30, and for a fee, members and their guests may have lunch or they may prefer beverages only. Our programs are scheduled for one hour.

Weekly programs and other Rotary events are listed in our calendar with a brief description of each. 

How do Rotary members attend a meeting in another community?

There are over 33,000 Rotary clubs and 7,500 Rotaract clubs in the world.  As a member of the Rotary Club of Florence, you enjoy the privilege of being able to attend any of them as a guest!  Use Rotary International’s Club Finder to find a club that will be meeting where you might be on vacation or out of town for work.  The first time you visit a Rotary club other than your home club, you might be a bit nervous.  While every club has its own customs and “vibe”, you’ll find that your Rotary pin will make you a familiar and welcome guest in their midst.  Visiting another Rotary club is a great way to learn about new ways to serve your own community and to make connections with people in your fields of work and interests.  Membership in Rotary is great common ground on which to build new friendships!