Exchange Student Programs

President Bob Teter introduces us to our short-term exchange students. Willemyn Velthoven from the Netherlands has been in Florence for a few weeks staying with Ashley Hennessee and her family. Ashley will now travel with Willemyn back to her home in the Netherlands for a few weeks. This is Rotary in action.
Florence Host Families
Will you consider being a host family for a student who is coming from another country? Check out this heart-warming video for all the reasons why you should say YES. Watch the video below.
What are the benefits?
Exchange students unlock their true potential to:
- Develop lifelong leadership skills
- Learn a new language and culture
- Build lasting friendships with young people from around the world
- Become a global citizen
How long do exchanges last?
Long-term exchanges last a full academic year, and students attend local schools and live with multiple host families.
Short-term exchanges last from several days to three months and are often structured as camps, tours, or homestays that take place when school is not in session.
What are the costs?
Room and board are provided, as well as any school fees. Each program varies, but students are usually responsible for:
- Round-trip airfare
- Travel Insurance
- Travel documents (such as passports and visas)
- Spending money and any additional travel or tours
How can I apply?
Candidates are ages 15-19 and who are leaders in their schools and communities. Contact our Youth Exchange Officer (insert email) to see what exchange opportunities are available and what the application process involves.
RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards)

RYLA Recipient
What are the benefits?
Connect with leaders in your community and around the world to:
- Build communication and problem-solving skills
- Discover strategies for becoming a dynamic leader in your school or community
- Learn from community leaders, inspirational speakers, and peer mentors
- Unlock your potential to turn motivation into action
- Have fun and form lasting friendships
Interact and Jr. Interact Clubs

Interact members and mom
At the high school and middle school bring together young people ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self. Find out how serious leadership can be seriously fun.
What are the benefits?
Connect with leaders in your community and around the world to:
- Take action to make a difference in your school and community
- Discover new cultures and promote international understanding
- Become a leader in your school and community
- Have fun and make new friends from around the world
4-Way Speech Contest
From the earliest days, Rotary has been concerned with promoting high ethical standards. One of the world’s most widely quoted statements is Rotary’s 4-Way Test, which was created in 1932 by Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor. Every year Rotary districts around the world sponsor high school 4-Way Test contests.
The purpose of the speech is to persuade others while applying the principles of the Rotary 4-Way Test. The goal is for students to make the world a better place, to practice the virtues of critical thinking and ethical decision-making, to develop public speaking and leadership skills to positively influence and inspire others regarding an issue that they find passionate.